Friday, April 1, 2011

Apply for SSI Childhood Disability Benefits

More info on Government Programs Here

SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income. It is a Federally-funded, income-based program for the aged, blind or disabled. If you qualify for SSI, they will send you $$ each month to help with your expenses. SSI does not provide medical assistance. SSI is the same in every state.

While SSI is a program for the aged, disabled and blind, it is strictly income-based. In other words, you may be aged, you may be disabled or you may be blind but if your income is too high, you will not be approved. If you are approved for $1 or more in assistance from SSI, you will automatically be approved for medical benefits through Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California).

Why you need to apply for SSI Childhood Disability benefits:

1) Should you be approved for assistance, SSI will not only send financial assistance directly to you, but it will send additional financial assistance to Medicaid on your behalf based on your child's disability.

2) One of the requirements for Medicaid is that you first apply for SSI Childhood Disability Benefits.

Wikipedia Link

SSI Childhood Disability Benefits Link

How to Apply:

1) Go to the SSI Childhood Disability Benefits link above and print the following:

- Factsheet

- Checklist (if you have already completed your Documents Folder, everything you need should be in there)

- Worksheet

2) Complete the printed worksheet from step one

3) Complete the Child Disability Report online or print a copy and complete by hand

4) Call SSI to do a preliminary phone interview and schedule an eligibility interview: 800-772-1213. (SSI eligibility interviews are usually conducted by phone however if you are applying for SSI Childhood Disability Benefits, you may have to go to your nearest SSI office for an in-person interview)

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